Job Information
NJ Employer horticultural worker in Albion, New York
Anticipated period of employment: 12/23/2024 to 09/30/2025
No experience required
Harvest: ripe tomato clusters are removed from the vine. The end of the stem of the harvested cluster is snipped. Harvested product is placed in container neatly and organized without damaging fruit. Harvest carts are operated up and down the row as ripe product is removed from vine. Once all harvest containers are filled, cart is sent to packhouse and another cart is started. Any waste tomatoes on floor are to be picked up and placed in waste bin under harvest cart. Damaged or rotten fruit on the vine are to be removed and placed in waste bin. Proper precautions are to be taken not to damage vines during harvest. Vines are to be placed in vine supports. Harvest requires to be walking on uneven ground through the day, as well as occasionally standing on pipe rail. safety and nitril gloves are required while harvesting and changed as frequently as instructed by supervisor. Worker must scan each row and cart with assigned reader. worker must be able to determine color. Cutting leafs: Three leaves are removed from each tomato vine using a special de-leafing knife. All cuts are to be clean and flush with stem, not leaving any stumps or rough wounds. De-leafing knife is to be disinfected after each row. Any sucker growth is to be removed. Vines are to be placed in vine support. If plants are down or strings are cut plant must be lifted back up to crop support wire. All crop debris is to be placed under cultivation gutter. Any observed errors in irrigation system are to be fixed or reported directly to supervisor. Any stems that are empty or dead are to be cut at string and base of stem and then placed under the cultivation gutter. Leafing requires operating and working of moving platform about 2 foot elevated. Leafing requires standing or walking all day. Safety and nitril gloves are required while leafing and changed as frequently as instructed by supervisor. Worker must scan each row with assigned reader. Lowering; Tomato plants are tied on to a stringline that is wrapped on a hook, on regular intervals the worker unwraps a turn from the hook, slides up the plant and spaces the plants equally all while making sure tomatoes are not dropped of the vine. Vines to remain in vine supports. Lowering requires operating and working from moving platform about 6 foot elevated. Worker must scan each row with assigned reader.See ETA 790/790A for a complete job description
Only workers meeting all qualifications on the job order should be referred by the Job Service Office. Interested candidates must contact their local employment office to receive a copy of the job order (ETA 790/790A) and applicable attachments. Once the applicant has a copy of the job contract Employer's agent conducts interviews by phone at time of inquiry or within a reasonable time thereafter. Interviews conducted at no cost to applicants, whether via phone or in-person. Contact Employer Monday through Friday during the hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 and referred to NY1513919 as the CO is in connection with this NJ number.
See AOSOS comment section before making a referral.