Job Information
Samuel Schippers Farmworkers, Farm & Ranch Animals in Hoxie, Kansas
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November: calving cows and heifers, tagging calves as they are born, checking cow and calf health daily, administer medicine as necessary, pull calves out of pastures and to working facilities, tracking calf gender and growth, prepare corn stalk and wheat pasture with temporary fence, put bulls on cows for breeding; December-February: put calves and stocker calves on wheat and corn stocks for grazing, feed cattle with trucks and small tractors to supplement diet, monitor animal health, build new pens by welding, rebuild and fix fence, scrape manure out of pens, move manure out of pens to fields, service trucks, tractors, small ATVs, break ice in watering facilities; March: pull calves and cows off stocks and wheat pasture, castrate bull calves, pull adult bulls off cows, sort cattle into pens, sell stocker cattle, check grass pasture fence, move cows to pasture; driving pickup to obtain parts and supplies for livestock; repairs and maintenance to livestock facilities. Employer may request but cannot require workers to work on their Sabbath; maintaining of worksite and equipment; also cleaning location and equipment. The nature of farm work may require workers to work after dark and possibly weekends depending on weather conditions. Hours offered may vary based on factors such as weather, livestock, or need. (as applicable) Employer may pay workers more depending on how many years of experience they have or other factors such as job performance, skill, punctuality. Employer will furnish free and convenient cooking and kitchen facilities at no cost to the worker, all of which are in working order, including refrigeration, space for food preparation, cooking accessories and utensils, appliances, and dish washing facilities so that workers may prepare their own meals. Kitchen facilities include adequate sinks with hot and cold water under pressure. Employer will provide transportation once a week to assure workers access to stores where they can purchase groceries.