USNLX Diversity Jobs

USNLX Diversity Careers

Job Information

Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. Fleet Maintenance Mechanic in Niagara Falls, New York

Niagara Falls, NY. Sevenson Environmental Services. Fleet Maintenance Mechanic. FT. Benefits. $25.00-$32.00/Hour.

DESCRIPTION/RESPONSIBILITIES: Nationally recognized environmental remediation contractor looking for a Fleet Maintenance Mechanic to support operations at our Niagara Falls headquarters yard. Must have a valid drivers license and have own tools.

The daily work will include: Maintenance and repair of company owned cars, light trucks (up to 10,000 lbs.), UTVs, small pumps, pressure washers, power hand tools, etc. Yard labor activities as needed.

SKILLS/EXPERIENCE: Minimum 5 years experience with all aspects of automobile and light truck mechanics and operating systems.

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