USNLX Diversity Jobs

USNLX Diversity Careers

Job Information

Providence St. Joseph Health Nursing Assistant PSMC MedSurg Acute in Seward, Alaska

Under direct supervision this position is accountable to the bedside nurse to facilitate a safe and secure environment for the patient, family and providers in the department in completion of the duties delegated to them for the shift and maintaining clear communication between the needs of the patient through the RN. These activities focus on maintaining a safe, hazard free, clean environment which facilitates patient focused care.

Providence caregivers are not simply valued - they're invaluable. Join our team at Seward Medical Center our culture of patient-focused, whole-person care built on understanding, commitment, and mutual respect. Your voice matters here, because we know that to inspire and retain the best people, we must empower them.

This position is full time, 0.9 FTE, Variable Shift, 36 hours per week.

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